Sunday, December 12, 2004

New York (English version)

New York

It was cold in New York on November, especially for a Taiwanese.

Statue of Liberty

It seems for everyone, who have been visited New York, needed to visit Status of Liberty.

Since 911 of 2001, US government added more security check for important construction. Visitors who want to see Status of Liberty, can only see the library and the surrounding parks.

I went to the south port of Mahannton to buy ferry tickets to there. On the same day in the afternoon, I knew that sometimes New York Visitor Center gave away free Status of Liberty tickets on off-peak seasons.

At the bottom of Status of Liberty, it is the museum of the Status. Some visitors said during summer, you need to wait for one hour for a locker, and one hour to wait on the entrance for this museum.

I had no interest on my way back to Mahannton because I was nearly an immergant for the States. For some stories, I am even better that this museum.

Guggenheim Museum

For Taiwanese, people fight for yes or no for this museum in Taichun. What a musuem it is? I was very interested on it.

The first impression of it for me was not very surprised. Do we need to spend tons of money for it?

Its tickets are more expensive than that of Metropolitum Museum. It looks like that only Europeans like people could get into it. I wonder for New Yorkers, even they are not visit here very often.

Its inerior construction was like a round pole. All stairs are sorrounding with this pole. All show room are easy to get in.

Today's show is Aztecs Emperior. All remainings were borrowed from the biggest museum in the world--the Mexico Museum. I was familiar with this kind of show because I nearly put museum study was my major when I was young.

Does it worth tens of billion NTD? I still had this question in my mind.

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