Saturday, September 30, 2006

India Tourism Bureau in New Delhi

Today I went to the India Tourism Bureau in New Delhi. They provide good information for travelers. Also, they recommend the "Delhi Tourism" ((, which provide many options for self travelers, such as 3 day Deihi-Agra-Jaipur program (3200 RPs, tax not included; 4175 for one person with single room, tax included), or one full day tour in New Delhi (210 RPs, tax included)

Be sure to check their "tour package" to see what options they have. If you find it, it is much better than all other private "tourist help" in New Delhi.

There is a airport shuttle bus stop nearby. It is called EATS. A trip to the airport is 50 RPs, and a luggage charged 10 RPs. Their schedule is 4:00, 5:30, 7:30, 11:30, 14:30, 15:30, 18:00, 19:00, 21:30 and 22:30. It will take 45 minutes to go to the airport, depends on the traffic condition. It closes to the Palika Barzar # 7 exit.

I bought a MRT card because I live in the Tibetan Refugee Village. I need to take MRT every day. The village is quiet and no cheating there. I like this place.

There is another government suggest hotel tourism at Varanasi. They organize tours to the triangle cities: (

Friday, September 29, 2006

University of Delhi

I visited University of Delhi this afternoon. (

It was first founded in 1881 by English. It is older than all universities in Taiwan.

I participated some of their activities. All their classes are taught in English. They also have exchange students with America and China.

A Taiwanese I met will leave for another city tomorrow. She is only 26 years old. She has been to India alone for three times.

I will go to India Stock Exchange center in New Delhi tomorrow. It is hard for Taiwanese to buy Indian stocks, except to buy those "India mutual funds." (no profit guarantee!!)

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Cheating in India

My India phone: +91-9871136491

There are many cheaters on the street. On my first night, I have a feeling to go back immediately.

I was brought to a regular hotel and charged for $300 USD for one night. After talking a long time with them, I paid $100 USD for a night. On the customer lists for last night, I was the one to pay the least in 10 customers.

This morning I woke up early to escape it (6:00AM).

India was not a good place for backpackers. Everyone on the street likes to cheat you. (90%)

I found a good hotel to stay in for 2 nights in Delhi. It cost me about $220 NTD for a night.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Travel in October

Mike Cheng's Schedule (India mobile: +91-9871136491; Thailand mobile: +66-5-995-7831)

09/27 TPE->BKK(TG637 0900 1140), BKK->DEL(TG315 1805 2040) stay in Delhi
09/28 Delhi
09/29 Delhi, meet Yu-ling Chen
09/30 Delhi, attend local tour
10/01 Delhi
10/02 Delhi, register for three day tour, see how to open a bank account
10/03 Delhi, Bahai Temple
10/04 Delhi, New Delhi National Museum & India Ghat
10/05 Delhi
10/06 Delhi
10/07 Attend local Agra tour
10/08 Pack everything and take a night train to Varanasi
10/09 Varanasi, find travel information from government office and check restaurants
10/11 Varanasi
10/12 Varanasi
10/13 Varanasi, take a night train to New Delhi
10/14 Delhi, cannot do anything because of diarrhea
10/15 Delhi, cannot do anything because of diarrhea
10/16 Delhi, cannot do anything because of diarrhea
10/17 Delhi, cannot do anything because of diarrhea
10/18 Delhi, take a night airplane to BKK (TG316 2330 0505)
10/19 Bangkok, live in Lek Guest House at Kao San Road, still diarrhea; open a security account at KGI
10/20 Bangkok, go to see a doctor....
10/21 Bangkok, see the TrueWorld's show (
10/22 Bangkok, see the TrueWorld's show (
10/23 take a night airplane back to TPE (TG636 1815 2255)

Monday, September 18, 2006


我於民國95年3月14日在一場寶來證券的理財講座中碰到一名參加者陳勝雄, 之後陳先生便一直邀約我去他投資開的餐廳 "許一個夢美食餐廳"(台北市重慶北路三段217號) 去捧場, 我去了幾次之後(喝飲料聊天), 他介紹另一朋友"辜平輝" (號稱操盤手, 報的股票也不準) & "賴秋愷" (以前是諮安科技的Symantec 的講師, 網路上有他的著作), 民國95年9月7日晚上在許一個夢美食餐廳(台北市中山北路六段217號) 和呂董(呂惜燕)碰面.(陳勝雄沒請過我, 我還請全部人吃飯唷!! 可見他們的經濟狀況沒有很好!!) 說要借重她的經驗, 給我一個人生的方向.....
(我以前即使碰到小企業的老闆, 大家也會搶著付帳!!)

奇怪的是, 都已經認識半年了, 他們沒有一人給我名片, 回家後我便利用網路找資料.... (聽說他們即將要去中國大陸開拓市場)

辜平輝: 辜董, 逢甲大學八十八學年度日間部轉學生財務金融學系
賴秋愷: 賴經理
呂惜燕: 呂董
楊陽城: 楊董


企業名稱: 許一個夢有限公司
成立時間: 2005.11.20
統一編號: 27955507
資本額 : 100萬元台幣
營業額 : 100萬元台幣
員工人數: 10
企業法人: 鄭碧霞

more links and discussion:!WqwexR2THRoCnX.8qrxX_6K7KHw-


Time: 2006 Aug 14 2:50PM (3:00PM 要面談)
Location: 台北市內湖港墘路2xx號,大樓入口處
Company: 慶x工業(股), 在5樓(

Mike: 我想去5樓面談, 你們覺得這家公司如何?
管理員一: 你要問哪一方面?
Mike: 我想知道這家公司福利好不好?老闆對人好不好?公司員工有沒有跟你們抱怨什麼?
管理員一: 我不好意思跟你講這個ㄋㄟ...
Mike: 那你可以講講好的方面, 不要講壞的.
管理員二: 據我所知, 公司5年沒發年終獎金了, 4樓和5樓同老闆, 我建議你去4樓的"安x"(Alxxx).
管理員三: 我建議你不要去這家公司, 這樣講應該夠清楚了.
管理員一: 這家公司要說要上櫃, 已經好幾年了, 都沒上櫃, 可能有什麼問題.
管理員二: 聽說不是公司沒賺錢, 而是老闆把賺的錢拿去轉投資, 因此員工抱怨公司沒發年終獎金.

面談完後, 於是Mike繼續尋找工作中...